Creative Questioning Using "The Emotion Code"

The following creative questions using The Emotion Code give you specific areas to work on. Hopefully, these questions will also trigger your mind to further possibilities and ideas of questions you can use.  For even more ideas of what to work on check out ZPoint Uses.

Examples of Specific Issues

Given in the book, The Emotion Code, are several excellent examples of creative questioning which could be used to pinpoint specific issues or events you would like to work on.

  • Do I have a trapped emotion that is preventing me from losing weight?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is causing inflammation in my tissues?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion that is blocking me from making more money?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is preventing me from selling more widgets?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is contributing to my (back, neck, shoulder, knee, etc.) pain?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion about my (husband, wife, son, daughter, boss, etc.)?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is interfering with the achievement of my goals?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is making it more difficult for me to quit (drinking, smoking, using drugs, pornography, etc.)?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion about (name specific event)?”

Examples of Specific Issues

Given in the book, The Emotion Code, are several excellent examples of creative questioning which could be used to pinpoint specific issues or events you would like to work on.

  • Do I have a trapped emotion that is preventing me from losing weight?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is causing inflammation in my tissues?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion that is blocking me from making more money?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is preventing me from selling more widgets?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is contributing to my (back, neck, shoulder, knee, etc.) pain?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion about my (husband, wife, son, daughter, boss, etc.)?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is interfering with the achievement of my goals?”
  • “Is there a trapped emotion that is making it more difficult for me to quit (drinking, smoking, using drugs, pornography, etc.)?”
  • “Do I have a trapped emotion about (name specific event)?”

Ask About Specific Organs of the Body

One day out of curiosity I was muscle testing each of the organs of my body and was quite disturbed when I found that several organs tested weak. I wasn't expecting that!

So... I started working on my liver by asking, "Do I have a trapped emotion lodged in my liver that I can release now?" At the point of this writing I have released 10 emotions and I am still working on it.

Initially, I muscle tested for the energetic level (the percent of normal) that my liver was functioning at (before releasing emotions) and I believe it was 48%. Phew!! That isn't too great! I have tested a few times since and it has come up to about 62%. I still have some work to do!

Major organs of the body that could be tested: Heart, Liver, Gall Bladder, Stomach, Kidneys, Adrenals, Spleen, Pancreas, Lungs, Brain, Bladder, Colon, Intestines, Specific Reproductive Organs (Uterus, Testes, Etc.)

Ask About Each Specific Chakra

Go through each main chakra and ask if there is a trapped emotion causing or contributing to an imbalance in the chakra.

    The Chakras:

  • Crown Chakra
  • Brow Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Root Chakra
“Questions are the creative acts of intelligence.”

Ask About Each Specific Chakra

Go through each main chakra and ask if there is a trapped emotion causing or contributing to an imbalance in the chakra.

    The Chakras:

  • Crown Chakra
  • Brow Chakra
  • Throat Chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Sacral Chakra
  • Root Chakra
“Questions are the creative acts of intelligence.”

Ask about each joint of the Body

Ask if there is a trapped emotion in a specific joint of the body or affecting a specific joint of the body.

    Major Joints: Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, Ankle

Ask About a Specific Time of Life

Do you have a trapped emotion from birth that needs to be released? A trapped emotion from a specific incident in your life? A specific age?

Ask About a Specific Event

Do you have a trapped emotion from a particular traumatizing event from your past? A car accident? Divorce? A physical assault? A time when a teacher humiliated you in front of the class?

Emotion Code

More Ideas of What to Work On


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Disclaimer:  The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease.  The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please consult with a licensed health care practitioner if you are dealing with a serious disease or illness.

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