We live in a disturbing time of abuses, addictions, prescription drug dependencies, dysfunctional family situations, random violence - to name just a few. The effects of these troubles are far-reaching. They contribute in a large way to the emotional baggage that people carry.
In some situations children are raised in less-than-desirable family situations (which include divorce, neglect, various forms of abuse, etc.) and a variety of disturbing emotions are the result. In trying to cope and not knowing how to process these tumultuous emotions the subconscious then suppresses them deep inside the body. These are often referred to as "trapped emotions."
Even under the very best of home and growing up circumstances we each pick up emotional garbage and beliefs that do not serve us well. As children we did not have the capability and maturity of perceiving situations correctly and so we were vulnerable to first misunderstanding and then locking our incorrect beliefs within our bodies. |
And then there are the ones we add to the heap on a daily or weekly basis if we have not yet learned how to appropriately process our emotions (which would be a good share of us).
In the short term suppressing emotions may serve to be of aid to a person’s well-being. It may be the only way of coping or avoiding possible physical abuses. In the long-term these suppressed emotions will come back to haunt that person, possibly in the physical manifestation of disease and definitely in the effects it has on the person’s behavior.
The need for ways to release our emotional baggage is definitely there. The information on emotional healing techniques is invaluable in getting us past what is holding us down and will open us to the wonderful life we really want and to the amazing person we really are. It will make all the difference for our children as well.
Be aware that there is also the possibility that some subconsciously do not want to heal physically or avoid healing emotionally. These possibilities, if true in your own case, can really hold you back. Take responsibility for yourself by being honest as you look deep within for the truth about yourself.
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Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease. The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please consult with a licensed health care practitioner if you are dealing with a serious disease or illness.
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