"Emotion Code" Magnet Options

While I suspect that the best and most powerful magnets to use for "The Emotion Code" are the Nikken magnets as recommended by Dr. Bradley Nelson, there are those of us who just don't run right out and spend that kind of money immediately. So, you can use a fridge magnet as is also mentioned in the book or here are some other options that I personally have been using.

Please understand that I do not know much about which magnets are of great therapeutic value. I believe in their high value, but I am not knowledgeable about them. I am just presenting possibilities of magnets to use for "The Emotion Code."

Inexpensive Options

Having been a veterinary technician, a natural choice for me to turn to is the "cow magnet." I have several of these. One of these fits very nicely into a person's hand.

What is a cow magnet you might ask? This is a magnet fed to a cow which stays permanently in the cow's rumen or reticulum with the intent to attract metallic objects such as nails, staples, or wire to prevent them from lodging in the tissues and causing hardware disease.

They are inexpensive and are generally available at a local feed store or possibly from a veterinarian who practices large animal medicine and also from Amazon as shown.

Here is another option that I have come to like, in some ways, more than the cow magnets.  Mainly because they have a handle

Having been a veterinary technician, a natural choice for me to turn to is the "cow magnet." I have several of these. One of these fits very nicely into a person's hand. 

What is a cow magnet you might ask? This is a magnet fed to a cow which stays permanently in the cow's rumen or reticulum with the intent to attract metallic objects such as nails, staples, or wire to prevent them from lodging in the tissues and causing hardware disease. 

They are inexpensive and are generally available at a local feed store or possibly from a veterinarian who practices large animal medicine and also from Amazon as shown.

Magnetic Jewelry

The other option is one that I came across at our local county fair. In one of the booths a company was selling beautiful bracelets with the clasp being magnets. Their brochure mentioned the therapeutic benefits of wearing magnets. I thought how handy it would be to have a magnet on me that I could use at anytime and I really liked the bracelets as well. So, I bought me one.

This particular company does not have an internet website which I was disappointed about. They told me that they work with five different doctors in supplying these bracelets in the state where they live. How awesome!

Since that company is not easily available I spent some time looking on the internet and here are a couple of magnetic jewelry companies that I found with very beautiful bracelets.

Magnetic Therapy Sales Specialists              Energetix jewelry

Using Your Hand

Yes, it is also possible to release emotions with your hand when you do not have a magnet. I have done this many times myself. Dr. Nelson still uses a powerful magnet when he releases trapped emotions. It seems like I am able to release trapped emotions quicker when I use a magnet, but I would love some feedback from others as to what they have found.

Happy releasing of those troublesome trapped emotions!!

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Disclaimer:  The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease.  The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please consult with a licensed health care practitioner if you are dealing with a serious disease or illness.

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