Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils: – Simply Healing

What can I say but that I love pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. I love how simple they are to use. I love that they are non-toxic. I love the purity of the scents. I love how quickly they work. I love that they are placed on this earth by a divine being who is very aware of our needs.  I love high quality essential oils with their wonderful healing properties.

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. Most essential oils are extracted through distillation. 

What are essential oils?

Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. Most essential oils are extracted through distillation.

Analogy of how they work

I really like the analogy of oils to chemical drugs given by Robert Tisserand in his book Aromatherapy: To Heal and Tend the Body, p. 45. He says:

Essential oils are extremely complex substances, chemically speaking, and their effects on the body are both complex and subtle. If we imagine that healing is like opening a door, the action of a chemical drug is like that of a sledge-hammer, while the action of an essential oil is like that of a key. The key is apparently much less powerful – it is very much smaller, and it is more difficult to demonstrate its effectiveness. However, the key works very much “in harmony” with the nature of the door; in fact the door-lock was made to receive a key. In opening the door the key proves its usefulness without the destructive, harmful effects of the sledgehammer.”

I might say though that pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils are quite powerful and often their effectiveness is noticeable immediately. Lesser quality oils will not be as effective and may even be damaging.

Why use essential oils?

Robert Tisserand answered that question in the last sentence of the analogy by referring to the oils not having the destructive, harmful effects of chemical drugs. Besides that they are quite fun to use!!

How do we know what an essential oil is good for?

Each oil contains hundreds of chemical constituents, some identified, some not. Various constituents have scientifically been identified and the action is known. When we know what the main constituents are in an oil and we know the action of those constituents then we have a good idea what the oil’s action will be. The advantage is that with so many constituents in an oil, they counter-balance each other so that no harmful effects result, unlike synthetic drugs.

Why are they not more well-known?

There is much evidence of the use of oils in ancient cultures. In our more recent history, oils have been used for their perfume value. As chemists started creating synthetic constituents the drug and perfume industries developed and knowledge of the therapeutic value of oils was lost. Therapeutic-grade essential oils were not being produced in the United States except possibly on a very small scale.

For an oil to be “therapeutic-grade” requires careful distillation without the use of chemicals. The pressure when distilled, maturity of the plant when harvested, time of day harvested, richness of soil the plant was grown in, amongst other factors all affect the quality of the oil. That is why there is such a range of quality found in oils today. Many oils are distilled quickly at high temperatures, and by using chemicals to help extract the oils. These practices destroy much of the therapeutic value of the oils.

Since about the later 1970s-early 1980s the value of the oils has started to become more known and explored. It is exciting to see more and more evidence of the high value of therapeutic-grade essential oils through research. In the meanwhile there are many testimonial evidences to learn from as we wait for scientific protocols forthcoming.

Where can I learn more about these awesome oils?

If you would like more information, please click here: Essential Oils You Can Trust.


Antibiotics and Essential Oils

The Transience of Drugs and Permanence of Oils

Oils and Allopathy: Permanent Medicine vs. Temporary Measures

What Does it Mean to be Therapeutic-grade?

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Disclaimer:  The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription for any disease.  The decision to use, or not to use, any of this information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Please consult with a licensed health care practitioner if you are dealing with a serious disease or illness.

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